I Am Infinite Eternal...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yogic Self-Analysis for Phobias...

Author: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

What is Yogic self-analysis? Whether we teach Yoga, or come to classes as a student, all of us learn more about ourselves in the process. All forms of Yoga enable a practitioner to engage in introspection. Self-observation is a part of Yoga practice - at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

If a student has not learned to contemplate his or her desires, behavior, and thoughts, there may have been no guidance in this area of Yogic studies. To learn about one's self, requires time to reflect and examine, without judging. It is easy to point out all of our past mistakes, but this is not the purpose of this mental exercise.

Self-analysis, or self-reflection, is a soul-searching quest for penetrating below the surface layer of our personality, and making a habit of improving situations that occur in the present. Some people find Yogic self-analysis to be a daunting task. They may require counseling from a qualified counselor, instead of trying to learn how to develop self-awareness.

There is nothing wrong with seeking professional guidance, for developing the skill of self-analysis. The point being: Each of us should strive to independently manage his or her life. This is not possible for all of us; but with proper guidance, many of us can learn to look directly at a problem and develop a plan for a logical solution.

Self-reflection is sometimes referred to as a form of meditation. To focus one's thought process on introspection is, in fact, a form of meditation. The reasons why Yoga and meditation teachers shy away from guiding students toward self-analysis are because students may focus on negative experiences, or the teacher does not know much about this particular technique.

To come face-to-face with our weaknesses, or strengths, can be an intense experience. Our point of view may not be objective. In the case of phobias, our self-created fear causes anxiety, and a cycle of confusion follows flare-ups.

Many people ask: "How can self-analysis help me with my phobias?" Knowing our own strengths and weaknesses gives us an honest measurement, based upon reality; but we must practice non-judgment while we search for a way to solve, or improve, the situation. To some degree, phobias are caused by irrationally intense fear.

Yoga's approach to self-analysis allows a student the ability to cope with internal fears, while a logical solution is sought. Ultimately, anyone who learns to fully overcome a phobia has learned a valuable lesson on the quest toward self-mastery. To find the master within is one of the greatest benefits of Yoga practice.

About the Author:

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/
